The Deluxe Bouquet

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  • The Deluxe Bouquet The Deluxe Bouquet

The Deluxe Bouquet

5000 TL

By curating unique bouquets with the freshest flowers of the season and different designs, we eliminate your indecision about flower selection. With The Bouquet, we choose the freshest flowers of the day for you and, unlike the usual and traditional ones, we design a completely special flower bouquet for you. For more information, read Family and Descent Information.




Plant Info:

Plant Info:

Your one-of-a-kind bouquet, which will be created completely uniquely for you, contains different numbers depending on its type. You decide the size of your bouquet with two different size options. Since your bouquet will be prepared with the freshest cut flowers of the day, you may encounter different flowers & different packaging options chosen specifically for these flowers. The photographs on our website are included for representative purposes and are intended to inform you about the seasonal style of Ceremony florists. After placing your order, you may contact us on our phone number to get detailed information about the your flower. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @ceremonyturkey to discover previously created The Bouquet designs in detail.

With our distinguished understanding of service, we deliver your meticulously prepared flowers to your address within 48 hours. Our flowers are only delivered to Istanbul. For any questions regarding your order, please feel free to contact our Customer Support. Click for detailed contact informations.

Your one-of-a-kind bouquet, which will be created completely uniquely for you, contains different numbers depending on its type. You decide the size of your bouquet with two different size options. Since your bouquet will be prepared with the freshest cut flowers of the day, you may encounter different flowers & different packaging options chosen specifically for these flowers. The photographs on our website are included for representative purposes and are intended to inform you about the seasonal style of Ceremony florists. After placing your order, you may contact us on our phone number to get detailed information about the your flower. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @ceremonyturkey to discover previously created The Bouquet designs in detail.

With our distinguished understanding of service, we deliver your meticulously prepared flowers to your address within 48 hours. Our flowers are only delivered to Istanbul. For any questions regarding your order, please feel free to contact our Customer Support. Click for detailed contact informations.

  • [data-title] [data-title]

    The Bouquet

  • [data-title] [data-title]

    Hand Cream Trio By You

  • [data-title] [data-title]

    Horizon Turkish Delight 500g

  • [data-title] [data-title]

    Floral 221 Turkish Delight 250g

  • [data-title] [data-title]

    Floral 222 Turkish Delight 250g

  • [data-title] [data-title]

    Floral 223 Turkish Delight 250g

  • [data-title] [data-title]

    Stripes 223 Turkish Delight 250g

  • [data-title] [data-title]

    The Grand Bouquet

  • [data-title] [data-title]

    Ceremony Botanic Dieffenbachia Vesuvius

  • [data-title] [data-title]

    Ceremony Botanic Devil's Ivy

  • [data-title] [data-title]

    Ceremony Botanic Monstera

  • [data-title] [data-title]

    Ceremony Botanic Kumquat

  • [data-title] [data-title]

    Ceremony Botanic Bird Of Paradise

  • [data-title] [data-title]

    Ceremony Botanic Curio Rowleyanus

  • [data-title] [data-title]

    Ceremony Botanic Ficus Benjamina Bonsai

  • [data-title] [data-title]

    Ceremony Botanic Jasmine

  • [data-title] [data-title]

    Ceremony Botanic Dieffenbachia Tropic Snow

  • [data-title] [data-title]

    Bordeaux 7421 Turkish Delight 1000g

  • [data-title] [data-title]

    Cedar 4695 Turkish Delight 1000g


  • [data-title] [data-title]

    The Bouquet

  • [data-title] [data-title]

    The Grand Bouquet
