The Grand Bouquet

  • The Grand Bouquet The Grand Bouquet
  • The Grand Bouquet The Grand Bouquet
  • The Grand Bouquet The Grand Bouquet
  • The Grand Bouquet The Grand Bouquet

The Grand Bouquet

4000 TL

This bouquet changes daily in order to get you the freshest pick of flowers. While you don't get to see the exact ingredients included in this bouquet, you can always view previous arrangements on our Instagram @ceremonyturkey to get an idea of what you'll be receiving. Trust us with this one!




Plant Info:

Plant Info:

With our distinguished understanding of service, we deliver our meticulously prepared flowers to your address within 48 hours Our flowers are only delivered to Istanbul. For any questions regarding your order, please feel free to contact our Customer Support. You can find our contact information on the contact page of our website. 

With our distinguished understanding of service, we deliver our meticulously prepared flowers to your address within 48 hours Our flowers are only delivered to Istanbul. For any questions regarding your order, please feel free to contact our Customer Support. You can find our contact information on the contact page of our website. 

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